Friendship with women from United Kingdom Friendship with women from United Kingdom
Friendship with women from United Kingdom
93935 -
Sugar&spice -
years old - Separated I am from Bromley/Greater London, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3017659 -
Trose -
years old - Divorced I am from Londres/Grande Londres, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3823002 -
Carishma -
years old - Single I am from Londres/Grande Londres, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
...El amor,la essencia infinita de la vida!!!
...Love,the infinite essence of life!!!
3908451 -
Lulurese -
years old - Divorced I am from Ashford/South East England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
palavras levam as o vento, eu gosto de atitude. Aqui procuro alguém com boas intenções,viver um dia de cada vez.
3977543 -
IntrospectivaQB -
years old - Divorced I am from Londres/Grande Londres, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Não tem que ser Perfeito, apenas diferente dos demais!
3915398 -
Carmen querida -
years old - Single I am from Londres/Grande Londres, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Ola sou uma brasileira cidadania italiana natural de Vitoria-ES, Moro em UK Sou uma pessoa muito simples calma e amiga.
639855 -
Ceciliamacedo -
years old - Single I am from Colwyn Bay/Wales, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3326241 -
Vicky854 -
years old - Divorced I am from London/Greater London, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3935112 -
Pauletapa -
years old - Single I am from Londres/Grande Londres, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1457498 -
Pcconstantino -
years old - Single I am from Lyndhurst/South East England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Alone Singles is a website for online dating, friendships, and relationships with 4,710,023 worldwide. Find your perfect match now!
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1133646 -
Dasilvadefreitas -
years old - Married I am from Hartfield/South East England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2300990 -
Tueresparami -
years old - Single I am from Eastbourne/South East England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3439178 -
Luckluv -
years old - Single I am from London/Greater London, Seeking Dating Marriage with Man
837371 -
(*)raky19(*) -
years old - Single I am from Rhyl/Wales, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1409596 -
Ulitka -
years old - Single I am from Glasgow/Glasgow, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4129554 -
Africanasempre -
years old - Divorced I am from Ipswich/East England, Seeking Dating with Man
Estou aqui por motivos sérios por isso me apresentarei da forma correta para a pessoa certa. Não Têm maiores detalhes!
3925030 -
Andreiaoi -
years old - Single I am from Frimley/South East England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3002748 -
Ramusas -
years old - Single I am from Haverfordwest/Wales, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3888060 -
Cecil@ -
years old - Single I am from Crawley/South East England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3052988 -
Blondy09 -
years old - Single I am from Bristol/South West England, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man